haunted: till death do we part

If it’s not physical abuse, it’s not really abuse.

If he hasn’t hit you, you need to stay.

Marriage is a forever commitment you should never leave.

The Affair

In those painful early days, I did things I never dreamed I was capable of. I shudder to think of the person I was becoming.

It’s All About the Journey

You see, the journey is about God’s faithfulness and revealing the true condition of our hearts.

Suffering Well

I wonder why some people find their faith solidified in the face of extreme trials while others see their faith wither and die.

The Myth Continues: Blaming the Victim

Focus on the Family perpetuated the myth that the victim is at fault when a spouse strays. We must stop this lie!

True Stories of Church Abuse

I’m not sure where the church got this idea that a woman (or man) must stay in an abusive marriage. I don’t know how scripture can be so twisted and manipulated

How the Church Contributes to the Pain of Divorce

The tears welled up as the dagger was stuck into my heart and twisted so deeply. The stereotypical comment was more than my bleeding heart could handle. In that moment, I contemplated never stepping foot in a church again.

A Prayer for Those Walking Through Divorce

Give us a vision of the beauty you want to bring out of our broken lives.

What Single Parents Wish Their Married Friends Understood

No matter the circumstances, single parenting is a hard journey. What makes it different from parenting as a couple?

Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce

How did I survive? How did I experience such intimacy with my Heavenly Father? How did I get from the broken mess to a place of complete redemption?