The Depths of Despair

I’ve had two people I love admit suicide has crossed their minds. TWO.

Picking Up the Pieces – 7 years later

While I can’t imagine losing everything in a tornado, I am reminded of the storm that hit my life over seven years ago. My perfect life as pastor’s wife and mother was hit by an EF-5 known as adultery and divorce.

Survive or Thrive

If you aren’t being transformed by the renewing of your mind, you are being conformed to this world. What are you doing today?

He’s Not the Man I Married

But Saul wasn’t always the angry and vengeful king we remember.
Saul had a calling on his life. He was hand-picked by God, anointed by Samuel to be the first king of Israel. Scripture states clearly that God gave Saul a new heart and the Spirit of God came upon him powerfully. What caused the downward spiral?

Why Did I Stay? Part 2

The next time you hear about an abusive relationship and wonder why anyone would stay, think about me. Leaving isn’t as easy as one might think.

Why Did I Stay? Part 1

My husband and I were talking last night about my previous marriage, about some of the things my kids and I had endured. He asked me one simple question:
“Why did you stay so long?”

The Long Journey

I was terrified. I was leaving the only home I had known as an adult. I was walking into the wilderness of an unknown journey.

Signs Your Spouse Might be a Porn Addict

Porn is of epidemic proportions these days. With the easy availability, more people than ever are addicted. Sadly, it’s no longer just a man’s issue.

The Gift of a Provider

As the years passed, there were more times for God to be our Provider than I can even start to remember. So many times, He provided just what we needed just in time.


What happens when a wife faithfully submits to her husband, even if he is ridiculing, demeaning, or sexually abusing her?