The Affair

In those painful early days, I did things I never dreamed I was capable of. I shudder to think of the person I was becoming.

Saying Goodbye to the Faith

I know there are many Christians questioning how someone could renounce their faith, but I must say that I understand. Although I never gave up on God, I was close.

True Stories of Church Abuse

I’m not sure where the church got this idea that a woman (or man) must stay in an abusive marriage. I don’t know how scripture can be so twisted and manipulated

When You Don’t Get the Hollywood Ending

God is still in control. He is still fighting for you even when your marriage fails. He still has great plans for you even when your partner leaves you behind.

A Portrait of Redemption

I see redemption so clearly in so many ways. I see God’s hand carrying us through such painful days to bring healing. I see the God who loves us so well reflected in every smile, in every face.

A Valentine Worth Keeping

He told me he knew that to get a girl like me, he had to seek God. Oh, how my heart melted that day!!


“You provide the willing heart and I’ll provide the miracle.” This phrase is packed full of more truth than you can imagine. And, it’s a truth Rick and Tiffany Bulman have lived. In their new book Mended, the Bulman’s tell the powerful story of their reconciliation after Tiffany’s adultery. They both provided willing hearts, and […]

A Portrait of God’s Relentless Pursuit

“Good morning Gorgeous.”
I could count on that text several mornings every single week for seven years.

To Be or Not To Be

I’ve been under the weather this week, so I asked my sweet friend Denise Broadwater to guest post for me. Enjoy!! In marriage, like any other relationship, “to be or not to be, that is the question.” And regardless of what you hear from others walking around you at church or at work, we are […]

Truths About the Christian Life

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 Last week, I wrote about the battle I’ve been waging in my mind. It’s been a major war between believing […]