Upcoming Changes!

I’ve been blogging now for over 8 years. I’ve experienced a fair amount of success. One of my favorite stories is when my brother had a friend going through a devastating period in her life and he gave her my information.

“I love her!” she responded. “Do you know her?”

I’ve been blessed to make build true friendships with people around the globe—even if we’ve never met in person. This journey has been such an incredible blessing.

Perhaps the one thing I have gained more than anything through blogging has been my own healing. You see, when I started this blog, I was at a fairly low point. I had survived the actual divorce, but I was far from healed. I was incredibly lonely. I was looking for purpose.

On a whim one day, I signed up for a wordpress account. I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know if anyone would ever read my words. I think somewhere I hoped that my words would garner some attention, but I really didn’t have any grandiose visions. I just knew I had a story, a love for my Jesus, and a desire to write.

I guess the rest is history.

One thing I have not done in these eight years is attempt to monetize my blog. I see others bloggers posting about how much money they are making with their blog, and it can be a little frustrating. You see, more than anything, I long to throw myself into serving the body of Christ, into giving of myself to help single moms. My heart, my passion, is to share the healing power of God in the midst of some of the most painful experiences of this life.

But I have been afraid to attempt to monetize my blog because I didn’t want it to appear that I was doing this for money.

Here’s the fact: Unless I win the billion dollar lottery tonight, I need to find a way to make money while working fewer hours if I want to fulfill my heart’s desires.

I’m praying for the lottery. After all, God knows I would use it wisely and to further His kingdom! But since that is a very, very, very, very long shot, I am starting plan B.


In the coming months, my plan is to revamp my website. I am actually going to have two separate blogs running alongside each other. My original blog will remain the same—focused on all things grace, hope, love, parenting, surviving adultery and abuse, etc. My second blog will be focused on helping others start blogging.

The one change you will see is that I will be attempting to monetize my blog. I will be placing affiliate marketing links into my blog posts. I will be attempting to create some partnerships with products that are like-minded (think products that help abused women).

Never do I want any of you to be turned off by the advertising; please know that my heart and my mission remain steadfast. I am only attempting to use the platform God has given me to create an income stream that will allow me to pour myself fully into helping single moms.

In the process, I hope that some of you will reach out to me to ask me blogging questions that I can answer. Maybe you’ve always wanted to start a blog but don’t know where to start. Maybe you are afraid to put yourself out there. Maybe you have questions about anonymity. Whatever the question, throw it at me. I will do my best to answer.

I hope you will continue to join me on this journey. I am excited about expanding not just my blog but also some other exciting endeavors.

You all have been such a blessing to my life. I can’t wait to see what God does in these coming days!

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8 replies
  1. Hermione Thompson
    Hermione Thompson says:

    Love reading your blog. It is such a source of encouragement. God can work through any pain. Having been a single mom of 6 years now of 2 children, life can be tough. We have no support from my ex husband( not yet divorce as I don’t have the funds). God has been faithful to us as a family and uses us to reach out to others. My marriage was full of betrayal, lies, humiliation and disrespectful( all because of adultery on the part of my husband)
    It took me years to recover and to forgive in a godly way. I cried out to God so many times and he always hear me.
    The evil one still tempts me with the pain of my past but I always have to remember that God loves me and will never humiliate me in anyway. When I feel worthless, God reminds me that he loves me with an everlasting love.
    God bless you and I pray that God will provide for you so that you can reach out to broken women like me.

  2. Stanley Donaway
    Stanley Donaway says:

    Deena, God bless you. I have been following you for about year and a half, and believe there is an anointing on your life. Yes, God makes beauty from ashes. And God is using you in a powerful way. Being male, and in ministry , I sometimes have women, like yourself, broken, hurt, lost, with lots of questions . I have frequently encouraged them to read your blog. I would like to make a donation to your ministry out of appreciation.

  3. Amy
    Amy says:

    Good for you. I love your blog. Our paths are similar (I became a nurse after my ex left!) Thanks for al of your encouragement.


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