Tag Archive for: truth

True Stories of Church Abuse

I’m not sure where the church got this idea that a woman (or man) must stay in an abusive marriage. I don’t know how scripture can be so twisted and manipulated

When You Don’t Get the Hollywood Ending

God is still in control. He is still fighting for you even when your marriage fails. He still has great plans for you even when your partner leaves you behind.

Lessons from my Mom

Do you remember the show Land of the Lost? It had those creepy sleestaks wandering the land and it was on every Saturday morning. Oh. I couldn’t even be in the room if that show was on the TV!

A Prayer for Those Walking Through Divorce

Give us a vision of the beauty you want to bring out of our broken lives.

Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce

How did I survive? How did I experience such intimacy with my Heavenly Father? How did I get from the broken mess to a place of complete redemption?

A Prayer for God’s Guidance

We need you to open our eyes, to illuminate the path you have for us.

Toxic People

Toxic people. We have to be discerning enough to recognize toxic people and bold enough to deal with them—whatever the cost.

It’s Not My Fault!

I am so tired of the myth that it takes two to cause an affair. It simply isn’t true.

A Portrait of God’s Relentless Pursuit

“Good morning Gorgeous.”
I could count on that text several mornings every single week for seven years.

The Truth About Emotional Abuse

I don’t remember what the fight was about, but I do remember it was obviously my fault. At least that’s what he told me.