Tag Archive for: surrender

My Defender

“We have heard that you had multiple affairs and destroyed multiple families,” the email from my employer read. Stunned. Shocked. Mortified. Hurt. Angry. The emotions rocked me to my very core. My hands shook as I attempted to respond. Where could such a venomous attack come from? Hadn’t I suffered enough already? Yes, in the […]

Changing of Seasons

As I sit down to write, the sun is shining brightly, warming the Oklahoma air. We’ve had an unseasonably warm winter, without a single snowflake. Millions of you, however, have been buried by a heavy blanket of snow. And, I have to admit: I’m jealous! There are few things more beautiful than looking out the […]

Security Breach!

The thing I hate most about being a single mom is vulnerability. Security is one of my greatest needs, and I remember feeling as if every drop of security was ripped from me. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but my sense of vulnerability seems to increase at night. I’m blessed to […]

When Life is Hard

Being a single parent is hard. There’s loneliness. The longing to love and be loved. The desire for adult companionship. An intense need to share your life with someone. And it is so much harder during the holidays. There’s guilt. Will my kids be ok? Will my kids overcome the loss they have experienced? Did […]

Help Wanted!!

I am nearing completion of my book manuscript. How exciting is that? As I pray through each chapter, I can only ask that God will use my words to bring hope to hurting people around the world. I pray that those walking through the pain and devastation of adultery and divorce find practical steps to […]

The War Room

Have you seen the new movie War Room? It’s an inspiring story of how God interceded in a broken family in response to the wife’s fervent prayers. It is a call to all Christians to fight our battles in the heavenly realm, to fall on our knees in prayer and let God take over. When […]

When Scars Fade

Today is September 9. Mean anything to you? Probably not. But to me, September 9 is the anniversary of the day my life changed forever. September 9, 2008, is the day my husband was caught in an affair. Seven full years ago. September 9, 2009, is the day of our first court proceedings in the […]

If I Were Anna Duggar

The Ashley Madison scandal has been heavy on my mind in recent days. It hits so close to home because I’ve been the spouse on the other side, the spouse horrified to discover her husband on an online dating site. I suppose we could at least point out that these spouses weren’t hiding the fact […]

God’s Masterpiece

August 20, 2015. Back to school for my kids. First day of 6th, 8th, and 10th grades. Where have the days gone? How did my babies grow up so quickly? Three kids. Three different reactions. Three different attitudes. One prayer. Today, my oldest climbed into his car and drove himself to school for the first […]

Broken and Shook Up

Have you ever played with a glow stick? You know, the ones that kids love. You pull them out of the package, and they are rather plain, ordinary. But then… You bend the stick. You hear it break inside. You begin to shake it up. As you break it and shake it, it begins to […]