Tag Archive for: spiritual warfare

Little Critters, Big Damage

A couple of weeks ago, I was cleaning out a closet when I found a large area of mold in my drywall. What’s a single mom to do? Of course, I called my daddy. Within 48 hours, we had a plumber at the house to take a look at what we assumed was a leak […]

Lessons from the Wilderness

As we enter the new year, God has planted a great sense of anticipation in my heart. I have an overwhelming sense that God has great plans for me in 2014. I feel as if my years of wandering in the wilderness are coming to a close, and I am on the verge of entering […]

Embracing My Sinful Past

We all know that God is holy, that He can’t look on sin, that sin separates us from God. But have you ever contemplated how sin can actually draw you closer to God? Yes. I believe with all my heart that we can sin, and it can be a springboard to a deeper relationship with […]

Contemplating Complacency

A friend recently boasted to me that he had lost seven pounds. When I tried to button my jeans Monday morning, I decided that I knew exactly where those seven pounds had gone—and I was more than willing to return them! Seven pounds was a huge eye-opener to me. You see, five years ago when […]

Splitting Time

Didn’t the Lord make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union. So guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife of your youth.  “For I hate divorce!” says the Lord, the God of Israel. “To divorce your wife is to […]

My Heart Condition

There are two sides to every story… It’s true. Any time there is more than one person involved, you will have at least two versions of what happened, two views of the same experience. It’s no different with my marriage and divorce. Recently, I was confronted with a situation that brought me face-to-face with “the […]

Waving the White Flag

Surrender… To quit. To cease fighting. To give up or hand over typically on compulsion. To cease reistance to an enemy or opponent. Surrender to God… To cease resistance to the authority of God. To abandon oneself entirely to God’s plan. To yield to the power, control or possession of God. Surrender is often a […]

Building an Unshakeable Faith

Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4 It was an […]

Holy Discontent

Have you ever seen the movie The Incredibles? It’s an animated movie about a family of super heroes living undercover. The dad, Mr. Incredible, has super strength. The mom, Elastigirl, is pliable. In one scene, her two young children get into an argument at the dinner table. Mom reaches out and places a hand on […]

I’m Mad at You, God!

Have you ever been mad at God? Before you give a self-righteous answer, let’s be really honest. Has God ever disappointed you? I’ve been mad. God disappointed me. I decided following God was a waste of time and energy. I decided that I could be a part-time follower of Christ like a large part of […]