Tag Archive for: spiritual growth

The Art of Mindfulness

Over and over, scripture points out a focus on only one thing. I think God is telling us that we must focus on, concentrate on, those things that are most important in life.

My Epileptic Jesus-Loving Girl

July 15, 2016. I was recovering from surgery, moving very slowly. It was around 7:00 am when my oldest son came to get me. “Mom,” he began, “you need to come to Cassie’s room.” “I’ll be there in a minute,” I replied. “Mom, you need to come to Cassie’s room.” “Just a minute. Let me […]

Seek First…

I am starting 2019 by seeking first His kingdom in prayer and fasting. Will you join me?

A Week at the Creek

Falls Creek. If you are not from Oklahoma, you might not be impacted by those two words. But, for us Okies, the term Falls Creek is filled with meaning. For those of us who grew up in Oklahoma, Falls Creek brings memories of an outdoor tabernacle, huge fans, sweat pants pulled up to our knees, […]

Baggage Check

After walking through a very difficult week, it was the final straw. “That’s it,” Roy began. “Take care of it now.” His tone took me by surprise. We’d had a really good day, and I was trying to take care of the issue he was confronting me with now. His words hit me hard as […]

When You Don’t Get a Hollywood Ending: Three Lessons from the Movie I Can Only Imagine

I’ll never forget the first time I heard I Can Only Imagine. Our church’s youth group had just returned from a Texas youth event where a new band had sung their debut song. It so impacted our youth and workers that they came back and played the song for us. Now, the story behind the […]

The God Who Disappoints

How does one reconcile this life’s journey with the God we read about in the Bible? How do we reconcile the God who hears with a life that seems void of God’s presence? How do we reconcile the God who sees with a life filled with untold pain? How do we reconcile the God who […]

Guilty of Idolatry

After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” But Abram said, “Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” And Abram said, […]

A New Perspective

The last year has been hard…really, really hard. Exactly one year ago, I received a call that my ex-husband had passed away suddenly. Telling my children that their dad was dead ranks right up there with the most difficult moments of my life. Watching them grieve and mourn. Sending them off to bury their dad. […]

The Story of Our Scars

As a nurse, one of my primary duties is assessing patients. I need to know their current condition so I can catch subtle deviations, deviations that might indicate an impending deterioration. I also need to know the medical history. Previous problems can provide important clues to what is happening with a patient. I gather the […]