Tag Archive for: divorce

Are You a Nabal or an Abigail?

There was a man in Maon who did business in Carmel. He was a very important man and owned three thousand sheep and one thousand goats…. The man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and attractive woman, but her husband was a hard man who did evil things… […]

The Hurting Child

Divorce hurts. Divorce hurts everyone involved. I have spent the last two years talking about the pain I have experienced, about how I have come through the pain to find the joy of Christ. I have shared how God has redeemed my life, brought me back from the death of divorce and given me an […]

Fear Factor

It’s funny how different kids with the same parents, raised in the same environment can be. My oldest, Blake, was a very timid child. He was scared to take risks. In his defense, we discovered when he was three that his vision was very poor. He saw two of everything until we put him in […]

Father Knows Best

“Mom,” my daughter began, “I can’t wait until I’m 18 so I don’t have to deal with this situation any more.” My heart broke for her, until my younger son called me to his room. “Mom,” he began, “this situation makes me so mad! I try really hard not to explode. Instead, I end up […]

Dena and the Blue Bow Tie

Have you ever done something humiliating out of complete innocence? Embarrassed yourself because of your own naiveté? Kept that mistake buried for years? When the secret came out, you had to live with the humiliation for the rest of your life? I’ve made two such mistakes. The two biggest mistakes of my life (well, maybe […]

Divorced…To God’s Glory!

I don’t pay much attention to the stats on my blog, but today wordpress sent out a year-end summary. I glanced through the stats, and I found that a post from October 2013 was the most viewed post for two straight years. As I reflected on the words in that post, I began to think […]

A Broken Christmas

It’s Christmas morning, 7:00 am. I am sitting in the living room, wrapped in a blanket. My kids are still asleep. Today, there will be no gifts, no celebrating. Instead, my kids will get up, pack their bags, and leave for their dad’s house. They will be gone for ten days. I don’t think I […]

Forbidden Fruit

I remember when my husband first confessed to me that he had an attraction to another woman. I responded, “Temptation is not a problem. It’s what you do with that temptation.” At that time, we sought counseling. I allowed him to talk about his feelings openly, acting as a counselor to him myself. I did […]

To Reconcile…Or Not (Part 2)

As I said, I am going to attempt to dive a little deeper into this topic. I have written and rewritten this post multiple times in the last few days. To be honest, I’ve gone from downright angry to attempting to be firm yet gracious. I only hope that comes across in my words. Since […]

Just a few quick thoughts…

Hi, Friends! I usually post mid-week. However, my plans have changed this week. Let me give you a quick update on what’s going on around here in Oklahoma. First, if you have emailed me or commented on a post, please be patient! Let me assure you that I have read each comment and email, I […]