Tag Archive for: Christianity

Did Jesus Die for the Narcissist?

Tomorrow is Good Friday, and Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection are on my mind–as they should be. For some reason, my mind has been asking if Jesus died for the narcissist. Let me start by saying the term narcissist has become a choice description for anyone who is self-centered. I think we have to be […]

Speak Peaceably

When [Joseph’s] brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not bring themselves to speak peaceably to him. Genesis 37:4 For the last ten years or so, I have read through the entire Bible each year at least once. And every year when I get to […]

Reconstructing My Faith

If your beliefs aren’t changing, you aren’t growing. I was listening to a sermon on doubt this week, and the pastor made the above statement. I may not have quoted it perfectly, but you get this basic idea. Honestly, I have struggled over the last decade with some of the changes in my beliefs. My […]

Why I Am Pro-Divorce

Divorce will always break my heart…just as it breaks my Father’s heart.

A Woman After God’s Heart

I don’t know about you, but I long to be a woman after God’s own heart.


What happens when a wife faithfully submits to her husband, even if he is ridiculing, demeaning, or sexually abusing her?

haunted: till death do we part

If it’s not physical abuse, it’s not really abuse.

If he hasn’t hit you, you need to stay.

Marriage is a forever commitment you should never leave.

True Stories of Church Abuse

I’m not sure where the church got this idea that a woman (or man) must stay in an abusive marriage. I don’t know how scripture can be so twisted and manipulated

Toxic People

Toxic people. We have to be discerning enough to recognize toxic people and bold enough to deal with them—whatever the cost.

It’s Not My Fault!

I am so tired of the myth that it takes two to cause an affair. It simply isn’t true.