Tag Archive for: characteristics of god

An Extravagant Response

How is a Christian to respond? This week, videos surfaced of students from a University of Oklahoma fraternity singing sickening, racially-motivated lyrics. The racial slurs were painful to hear, and the video should offend everyone who sees it. Racial tensions in our country are at an all-time high, at least in my lifetime. To add […]

From Miracles to Manna

These last few years have been an amazing journey with God! I have seen his hand move, enjoyed unbelievable intimacy with my Savior. I have heard amazing promises, seen my faith grow in ways I never dreamed possible. What a joy to know his voice, to hear his sweet whispers each and every day! I […]

Are You a Nabal or an Abigail?

There was a man in Maon who did business in Carmel. He was a very important man and owned three thousand sheep and one thousand goats…. The man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and attractive woman, but her husband was a hard man who did evil things… […]

The Hurting Child

Divorce hurts. Divorce hurts everyone involved. I have spent the last two years talking about the pain I have experienced, about how I have come through the pain to find the joy of Christ. I have shared how God has redeemed my life, brought me back from the death of divorce and given me an […]

A Day in the Life of Dena

Parenting is hard. It is definitely a two-person job that requires tremendous cooperation, meticulous planning, and endless flexibility. When you become a single parent, you are solely responsible for every aspect of those precious children in your care. You are responsible for their physical well-being, their emotional stability, their spiritual growth. And, you are solely […]

When God Changes His Mind

I have spent a lot of time recently contemplating how God changes his mind. Have you ever thought about that? If you are like me, your first thought is, “But scripture is clear that God is not a man that he should change his mind” (1 Samuel 23:19)! And yet, I find myself absolutely convinced […]

Divorced…To God’s Glory!

I don’t pay much attention to the stats on my blog, but today wordpress sent out a year-end summary. I glanced through the stats, and I found that a post from October 2013 was the most viewed post for two straight years. As I reflected on the words in that post, I began to think […]

It’s Not Fair!

I am a runner. Well, I like to think of myself as a runner. Truth is, I started running about five years ago shortly after my husband and I separated. Running saved me. You see, I could go out as an emotional mess. As my feet pounded the pavement, my mind began to clear. I […]

Promises, Promises

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, because the Lord will do wonders among you tomorrow.” Joshua 3:5 2014 started with God impressing this scripture upon my heart. I entered the year with eager anticipation of what God would do this year. My heart was full of expectation. I was constantly reminded of God’s faithfulness, knowing […]

Off the Bench

Do you mind if I brag for a few minutes? I’m sure you know that I love my kids. They are all amazing: smart, talented, kind, unique. They each have their own individual passions and strengths. They all love God, even if they express it in their own unique ways. They all bless me more […]