Tag Archive for: abuse

Fighting Myths

Sometimes I feel like a broken record. I recently read a Facebook post in a Christian group. The author was asking a question about how and when to explain to the kids the reasons behind the divorce, namely adultery. Most of the comments—whether right or wrong—were kind and gracious. Until that one person had to […]

The Sanctity of Marriage

Have you heard the term “sanctity of marriage?” I typically hear this phrase thrown around to say that marriage should be protected at all costs, that divorce is never an option, that a Christian couple should never throw in the towel under any circumstances. I’m not sure, however, that is the proper use of the […]

Is Your Marriage Difficult or Destructive?

Several months ago, I wrote about the biblical story of Abigail and Nabal. You can read it here. This story has always been an intriguing one to me. I’m not sure why it has always captivated me. Maybe it is because Nabal was so cruel. Maybe it was because Abigail was such an amazing example. […]

Is Your Marriage Abusive?

Abigail and Nabal represent the classic narcissistic, abusive husband and a godly, empathic wife. It’s a story that plays out over and over in society today, in churches around the world.

Why I Am Thankful for my Husband’s Affair

I used to believe my husband’s affair was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Today, I am eternally grateful for it.

Toxic Men Vs Toxic Women

Most people believe men are capable of far greater abuse in relationships. I’m not so sure…

Unexpected Twists and Turns

Roy and I have experienced a few laughs this week showing the crazy twists and turns life can throw at us.

Why I Am Pro-Divorce

Divorce will always break my heart…just as it breaks my Father’s heart.

He’s Not the Man I Married

But Saul wasn’t always the angry and vengeful king we remember.
Saul had a calling on his life. He was hand-picked by God, anointed by Samuel to be the first king of Israel. Scripture states clearly that God gave Saul a new heart and the Spirit of God came upon him powerfully. What caused the downward spiral?

Why Did I Stay? Part 2

The next time you hear about an abusive relationship and wonder why anyone would stay, think about me. Leaving isn’t as easy as one might think.